


Data Science Services

We build teams of data scientists, engineers and tech consultants helping businesses adopt Machine Learning solutions.

Our data scientists define your use-case, discover all types of your organizational data and uncover new opportunities to improve operations, cut costs, create better customer experience and increase revenues


Turn Your Data into Value

  • dataSpecta can be a part of your organization and enable your first-time ML adoption or help you with ML Expansion. 
  • We create a step-by-step project roadmap based on our analysis and your requirements.
  • Our team connects your available data sources, conduct feature engineering and prepares required data  for your use-case.
  • We operate Proof of Concept phase to validate solutions feasibility, perform rigorous testing phase, deploy solution and integrate with your existing systems.
  • Professional Consulting Services
  • Infrastructure Assessment
  • Use Case Definition
  • Data Preparation
  • ML Model Development
  • ML Infrastructure Setup
  • ML Software Development
  • User Training & Support
we are ready to take up your challenge

Data Science Use-Cases

  • ClickStream Analytics
  • Location Analytics
  • Fraud Analytics
  • Risk Analytics
  • Marketing Analytics
  • Customer behavior analytics
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Image Processing